viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

Explaining a problem

My best friend had a problem recently. He's going out with a friend but she isn't really interested in the relationship and she flirts with other people when my friend isn't there.
I'm really angry because the girl is my friend too and she doesn't mind hurting my friend. I think I should talk with her and they would be much happier. But I think I shouldn't interfere, but if they don't talk, they will split up and my friend will be depressed.
I'd really need some advice because both of them are my friends and I don't want them to be angry.

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2015

The Internet

The internet has changed the world since 1960, when it was invented. Before this, when you wanted to search information you has to use books. But now you can do more than this, with the Internet you can search information, listening to music, to read some books...
Books, in the other hand, are old-fashioned. Nowadays nobody uses books to search information.
The Internet, however, is dangerous because you can tala with everybody bus sometimes the people who you are talking to, aren't who they seemed to be. You must to be very careful when you are surfing on the Internet.
All in all, I think that the Internet is much more useful than books.

domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

Grace Kelly and Alienor d'Aquitaine / Grace Kelly et Alienor d'Aquitaine

Grace Kelly was an american actress who became Prince of Monaco after marrying Prince Rainier III. She was born on November 12, 1929 in Philadelphia.
After her acting career in 1950, ahe appeared in New York City theatrical productions and more than 40 episodes Golden Age Television. She won a Golden Globe Award and an Academy Golden Award nomination in 1954.
She had leading roles in five films, and she retired from acting at the age of 26 to marry Rainier III and became princess of Monaco so she had to being her duties in Monaco.
After her marriage to Prince Rainier, Kelly became involved with philantophic work. She founded 'Amade mondiale' an organisation that was eventually recognized by the UN as a Non-Governmental organization. It promotes and protects the 'moral and physical integrity' and 'spiritual well-being of children throughout the world and in a spirit of complete political independence'.
On September 13, 1982, Kelly was driving back to Monaco when she had a stroke (a brain attack). As a result she lost control of her car and drove off the steep. Her daughter, Stçephanie, who was in the passenger seat tried to regain the control of the car. Finally, Grace Kelly died the following night at the age of 52 after Rainier decided to take her off life support.

Alienor d'Aquitaine est neé vers 1122 ou 1124 à Poitiers et elle a été alternativement reine de France et d'Angleterre.
C'était la fille aînée de Guillaume X, duc d'Aquitaine. Elle a dû  être l'heritière du duché d'Aquitaine en 1130 á la mort de son frère Guillaume Aigret.
Elle a épuosé succesivement le roi de France Louis VII puis Henri Plagenêt, le futur roi d'Angleterre Henri II
Après son premier mariage pendant lequel ella aparticipé à la deuxieme croisade, elle a joué un rôle politique important dans l'Occident.
Alienor d'Aquitaine et Louis VII ont annulé le mariage en 1152 pour motif de consanguinité, et plus puor l'infidélité d'Alienor.
Elle a épousé Henri Plantagenêt huit semaines après l'annulation de son premier mariage, et le 19 décembre 1154 ils sont couronnés roi et reine d'Angleterre.
Elle est morte en 1204 à Poitiers à l'âge de 82 ans.

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015

Une lettre à une office du tourisme

Málaga, le 5 février 2015
C/ Nuestra señora de las candelas

Demande de resegnement
Madame, Monsieur:
Je suis une étudiante de français et je dois faire un travail de la Guyane. Je veux savoir ce que je peux faire là-bas et qu'elle est le repas typique . J'aime beaucoup la plage et la nature, c'est puorquoi que j'ai choisi cette région.
Est-ce que vous puorriez m'envoyer des brochures sur votre región? Il me faut aussi des rensegements sur les hôtels parce que je ne sais pas où je me peux loger.
Dans l'attente de votre réponse.
Helena López Martí

La réponse:

domingo, 1 de febrero de 2015

Un voyage en famille

Quand j'avait 9 ans, je suis partie en voyage avec ma famille. Nous sommes allés de croisière dans la mer Mediterranée une semaine complète. Nous avons visité Mónaco, Montecarlo, Florence, Rome, Capri et la Tunisie. Il a été merveilleux, j'adorai ce voyage parce que je n'étais jamais montée dans un bateau.
Nous l'avons fait parce que nous aimons voyager mais comme j'étais très petite je ne me souviens pas beaucoup.
Nous faisions des soireés témathiques: il y a eu un soir élègant, le soir arabe, la hawaienne et chaque soir avait un spectacle. Je veux repartir, j'adore voyager.

martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014

Living with a disability

My name's Helena and I've been deaf since I was twelve.
When I was a chils I played the cello and I really enjoy it until I became deaf. At the begining it was so hard for me and I had a shock but like Freddy Mercury said 'The show must go on'.
Life is a bit different for me now because I still go to the same high school and now teachers must speak a little slowly and vocalize more.
There are some things that annoy me, for example when I'm speaking with someone and he turns and I can't see his mouth. Sometimes I also feel anxious because if you could hear anything you feel a little isolated all the time. But usually people are very kind to me.