viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014

My favourites

I've got four favourites fashion items:
I love hoodies, my favourite one is a warm, big superman hoodie. It's very cool, in winter, I always wear it.
I've got a pair of 'jeggins' they're like jeans but as confortable as leggins, they're elegant and trendy because they're black.
The third item is a cute red shirt, it has got a kind of bow in the back that shows a fabric of a blouse. I'm not really sure if this item is a shirt or a blouse but I like it.
The last fashion item is a beautiful necklace of a wing. It's a small black angel's wing with small bright at the beginning. This is my lucky necklace!

lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014

Musical Abroad

It's a musical about some friends that haven't got job and go to Liverpool to look for it.
It was so funny, I didn't stop laughning.

Marta was the main character, she was tall, she had long, brown and curly hair.
Jose was the Marta's boyfriend, he was tall, he has brown skin, brown hair and brown eyes he was a country bumpkin and he song very well.
My favourite character was the waiter because he was very funny and good person.

The musical is about Marta and Jose, they go to Liverpool to look for job, but they didn't found it.
Some day, a strange woman gives Marta a bag because she wants Marta for 'a job'.
Marta gives this bag to Macarena (her new friend) because she wants apologize Jose, but the bag was illegal and the policemen put Macarena in jail.
But the waiter knows the true, and call everybody to demostrate that Macarena was inocent.

I like this musical because is very interesting and very funny and I enjoy it so much.


Jeanne d'Arc

Jeanne d'Arc, la Pucelle, était une heroïne militaire et une sainte française.
Elle était brune et elle avait les cheveux mi-longs et ondulés. Elle avait les yeux bleus et elle était belle.
Elle portait une chemise blanche en coton et un tee-shirt vert foncé. Aussi, elle portait une jupe rouge très moche et une armure. À mon avis, elle était très jolie.

Charlemagne était le roi des francs et le premier empereur romain germanique.
Il était grand, il avait les cheveux gris, longs et raides et il avait une barbe et une moustache.
Il portait une robe et une cape très elegante et chère pour cette époque. Aussi, il portait des bas en coton et des chaussures.
Il était roi, donc il portait une couronne très cool et une armure.