My name's Helena and I've been deaf since I was twelve.
When I was a chils I played the cello and I really enjoy it until I became deaf. At the begining it was so hard for me and I had a shock but like Freddy Mercury said 'The show must go on'.
Life is a bit different for me now because I still go to the same high school and now teachers must speak a little slowly and vocalize more.
There are some things that annoy me, for example when I'm speaking with someone and he turns and I can't see his mouth. Sometimes I also feel anxious because if you could hear anything you feel a little isolated all the time. But usually people are very kind to me.
martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014
martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014
My Life!
I was born in Málaga, in Spain, on third of January of 1999. I've always lived in the same house since I was born but my parents bought my neighbor's house to enlarge my house, because it was so small for five persons. I don't remember very well my earliest memory. I loved playing with my fraternal twin, Ángela, with animals toys called 'Littles pet shop'. We had a lot of them and we created a city.
I remember my first day in the nursery school too.
I've been in 'Los guindos' primary school for nine years and in 'Fernando de los Rios' secondary school since I was twelve.
I've changed since I was young. My hair is curlier now and I've become more insecure too but i've got more friends now.
When I finish secondary school, I hope to finish my musical studies and I really want to live some years in the USA or the UK before I'm old.
I remember my first day in the nursery school too.
I've been in 'Los guindos' primary school for nine years and in 'Fernando de los Rios' secondary school since I was twelve.
I've changed since I was young. My hair is curlier now and I've become more insecure too but i've got more friends now.
When I finish secondary school, I hope to finish my musical studies and I really want to live some years in the USA or the UK before I'm old.
jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014
Victor Hugo
Il s'appelle Victor Hugo, il est né le 26 février 1802 à Besançon une commune de l'est de la Françe.
C'est un ecrivant, poète et dramaturge français. Il habitait en France mais il s'est exilé volontairement en 1851. Victor Hugo est ratournait en France en Septembre 1870.
C'était une personnalité politique et un intellectuel engagé, il est célèbre parce qu'il est considéré comme l'un des plus importants écrivains de langue française.
Il occupe une place marquante dans l'histoire des lettres françaises ou XIXe siècle. Il a practiqué tous les genres: roman, poésie, theâtre, essai, etc. Il a laissé neuf romans, le premier a été ecrit a seize ans et le dernier à soixante-douze.
Ses ouvres principales sont "Notre-Dame de Paris" (1831) "Les Miserables" (1862) et "Les travailleurs de la Mer" (1866).
C'est un ecrivant, poète et dramaturge français. Il habitait en France mais il s'est exilé volontairement en 1851. Victor Hugo est ratournait en France en Septembre 1870.
C'était une personnalité politique et un intellectuel engagé, il est célèbre parce qu'il est considéré comme l'un des plus importants écrivains de langue française.
Il occupe une place marquante dans l'histoire des lettres françaises ou XIXe siècle. Il a practiqué tous les genres: roman, poésie, theâtre, essai, etc. Il a laissé neuf romans, le premier a été ecrit a seize ans et le dernier à soixante-douze.
Ses ouvres principales sont "Notre-Dame de Paris" (1831) "Les Miserables" (1862) et "Les travailleurs de la Mer" (1866).
domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014
Describing photos
In the foreground of this photo we can see a couple, he's a sailor and she's a nurse. They were kissing because the World War ended and they were celebrating it.
The man was hugging the nurse but they were extrangers in these moments!
In the background, we can see a crowed road (I think it would be Times Square). On top of this photo there are some high builds, maybe skycrapers.
There were a lot of people looking at the couple and smiling.
I think this photo is romantic, but in the real life they didn't know each other so I think this photo is funny and optimistic.
I really like it.
The man was hugging the nurse but they were extrangers in these moments!
In the background, we can see a crowed road (I think it would be Times Square). On top of this photo there are some high builds, maybe skycrapers.
There were a lot of people looking at the couple and smiling.
I think this photo is romantic, but in the real life they didn't know each other so I think this photo is funny and optimistic.
I really like it.
miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014
Declaration of Human Rights
Every grown up has the right to a job, to a fair wage for their work, and to join a trade union .
I like this right because I think that everyone has the right to work for the same salary as another person who works in the same job. Without any type of discrimination.
We all have the right to our own way of life, and to enjoy the good things that science and learning bring.
I'm agree with this right because everybody is free to life their own life as he wants, and nobody can force to you to do something you want not do.
I like this right because I think that everyone has the right to work for the same salary as another person who works in the same job. Without any type of discrimination.
We all have the right to our own way of life, and to enjoy the good things that science and learning bring.
I'm agree with this right because everybody is free to life their own life as he wants, and nobody can force to you to do something you want not do.
jueves, 5 de junio de 2014
Droits de l'homme
Tous sont égaux devant la loi et ont droit sans distinction à une égale protection de la loi. Tous ont droit à une protection égale contre toute discrimination qui violerait la présente declaration et contre toute provocation à une telle discrimination.
Je suis totalement d'accord avec cet article mais, parfois, il n'est pas respecté parce que les riches ou les personnes célèbres ont la priorité, et c'est triste.
Tout individu a le droit à une nationalité. Nul ne peut être arbitrairement privé de sa nationalité ni du droit de changer de nationalité.
À mon avis, nous sommes tous libres pour pouvair vivre où nous voulons. Mais c'est vrai qu'il y a des personnes qui sont déportées parce qu'elles n'ont pas de documents.
Tous sont égaux devant la loi et ont droit sans distinction à une égale protection de la loi. Tous ont droit à une protection égale contre toute discrimination qui violerait la présente declaration et contre toute provocation à une telle discrimination.
Je suis totalement d'accord avec cet article mais, parfois, il n'est pas respecté parce que les riches ou les personnes célèbres ont la priorité, et c'est triste.
Tout individu a le droit à une nationalité. Nul ne peut être arbitrairement privé de sa nationalité ni du droit de changer de nationalité.
À mon avis, nous sommes tous libres pour pouvair vivre où nous voulons. Mais c'est vrai qu'il y a des personnes qui sont déportées parce qu'elles n'ont pas de documents.
martes, 13 de mayo de 2014
How did women live in the Middle Ages?
- What was the role of women in the Middle Ages? All women were expected to be subservient to the men and their family.
- Find an excepcional woman in that time. Jean of Arc
- Did most women stay at home? No, they worked at fields or workshop.
- What was the role of the 'Noble Lady'? The women wasn't exist.
- What was the role of the 'peasant woman'? She worked too hard.
- How did they entertain? By feast, banquets, jousts and tourmaments.
- Find some information about women and music in the Middle Ages. Jougleuresses and minstrels.
- Who was the most famous woman composer in the Middle Ages? Hildeyard of Bingen.
- What was the main church in Europe during the Middle Ages? Catholic church.
- Name some chuch leaders and their obligations. Bishop, parish, priest...
- What was 'The Inquisition'? It was a machinery of represion.
- What was medicine like in the Middle Ages? In medicine, women work at midwife.
Hi Candela!
I'm so excited about your visit next Friday. At the airport, i will meet you and we will go to Plaza Mayor fo lunch.
On Friday evening we're going to go to the cinema with Charlie and Sam, they are fantastic, you will like them.
On Saturday morning, we're going to go to Casa Aranda to take some chocolate and churros and then, we will go shopping to Larios Street.
If you want, we will eat in the city centre too,but I prefer eating in the harbour.
On Sunday, we will go to the beach unless it rains, so take out your swimsuit!
I can't wait, see you soon!
I'm so excited about your visit next Friday. At the airport, i will meet you and we will go to Plaza Mayor fo lunch.
On Friday evening we're going to go to the cinema with Charlie and Sam, they are fantastic, you will like them.
On Saturday morning, we're going to go to Casa Aranda to take some chocolate and churros and then, we will go shopping to Larios Street.
If you want, we will eat in the city centre too,but I prefer eating in the harbour.
On Sunday, we will go to the beach unless it rains, so take out your swimsuit!
I can't wait, see you soon!
Helena :)
lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014
Evolución del canon de belleza en la mujer a lo largo de la historia.
- Mundo clásico: Se fraguó en la antigua Grecia y se concebía como resultado de cálculos matemáticos, medidas proporcionales y cuidado por la simetría. El ideal femenino era, una mujer robusta y sin sensualidad, ojos grandes, nariz afilada, cabellos ondulados y senos pequeños.
- Edad Media: Las mujeres mostraban belleza nórdica con piel blanca, cabello rubio y largo, ojos y nariz pequeños, labios pequeños y rosados, torso delgado, caderas estrechas y senos pequeños.
- El renacimiento: Se basa en la armonía y en la proporción. Piel blanca y sonrosada, cabello rubio y largo, ojos grandes y claros, hombros y cintura estrechos, manos delgadas y pequeñas, cuello largo y delgado, labios y mejillas sonrosadas.
- El barroco: El ideal femenino era bastante artificial. Cuerpos más gordos que en el renacimiento, pechos prominentes (resaltados por los corsés) caderas anchas y cintura estrecha.
- Actualidad: Cuerpos delgados, vientre liso, gran altura, piernas largas y delgadas, ojos grandes, nariz pequeña, labios carnosos y rostros jóvenes y sin arrugas.
Años 10: Tras la guerra, la mujer era enigmática y peligrosa. Su corte de pelo era masculino contrastado con el maquillaje.
Años 20: Las mujeres eran de hombros anchos y caderas delicadas, altas y delgadas.
Años 30: La mujer debía ser delgada, femenina y con aspecto atlético y cuidado. Vestían con encanto, sensualidad y misterio con una belleza madura y sacando provecho de su cuerpo.
Años 40: Como consecuencia a la II Guerra Mundial, se creó una tendencia a los colores oscuros.
Años 50: Mujeres de caderas anchas y pechos grandes, contrastados con una cintura estrecha. Se empezó a llevar la piel bronceada.
Años 80: El cuerpo se mostraba cada vez más y la gente se empieza a preocupar por la salud física.
Se prefiere la delgadez extrema y los cuerpos rectos, parecidos a los del hombre como consecuencia de la importancia de la mujer en la sociedad.
Años 90: Se comienzan a hablar de trastornos alimenticios como la anorexia o la bulimia.
viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014
My favourites

I love hoodies, my favourite one is a warm, big superman hoodie. It's very cool, in winter, I always wear it.
I've got a pair of 'jeggins' they're like jeans but as confortable as leggins, they're elegant and trendy because they're black.
The third item is a cute red shirt, it has got a kind of bow in the back that shows a fabric of a blouse. I'm not really sure if this item is a shirt or a blouse but I like it.
The last fashion item is a beautiful necklace of a wing. It's a small black angel's wing with small bright at the beginning. This is my lucky necklace!
lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014
Musical Abroad
It's a musical about some friends that haven't got job and go to Liverpool to look for it.
It was so funny, I didn't stop laughning.
Marta was the main character, she was tall, she had long, brown and curly hair.
Jose was the Marta's boyfriend, he was tall, he has brown skin, brown hair and brown eyes he was a country bumpkin and he song very well.
My favourite character was the waiter because he was very funny and good person.
The musical is about Marta and Jose, they go to Liverpool to look for job, but they didn't found it.
Some day, a strange woman gives Marta a bag because she wants Marta for 'a job'.
Marta gives this bag to Macarena (her new friend) because she wants apologize Jose, but the bag was illegal and the policemen put Macarena in jail.
But the waiter knows the true, and call everybody to demostrate that Macarena was inocent.
I like this musical because is very interesting and very funny and I enjoy it so much.
It was so funny, I didn't stop laughning.
Marta was the main character, she was tall, she had long, brown and curly hair.
Jose was the Marta's boyfriend, he was tall, he has brown skin, brown hair and brown eyes he was a country bumpkin and he song very well.
My favourite character was the waiter because he was very funny and good person.
The musical is about Marta and Jose, they go to Liverpool to look for job, but they didn't found it.
Some day, a strange woman gives Marta a bag because she wants Marta for 'a job'.
Marta gives this bag to Macarena (her new friend) because she wants apologize Jose, but the bag was illegal and the policemen put Macarena in jail.
But the waiter knows the true, and call everybody to demostrate that Macarena was inocent.
I like this musical because is very interesting and very funny and I enjoy it so much.
Jeanne d'Arc

Elle était brune et elle avait les cheveux mi-longs et ondulés. Elle avait les yeux bleus et elle était belle.
Elle portait une chemise blanche en coton et un tee-shirt vert foncé. Aussi, elle portait une jupe rouge très moche et une armure. À mon avis, elle était très jolie.
Charlemagne était le roi des francs et le premier empereur romain germanique.
Il était grand, il avait les cheveux gris, longs et raides et il avait une barbe et une moustache.
Il portait une robe et une cape très elegante et chère pour cette époque. Aussi, il portait des bas en coton et des chaussures.
Il était roi, donc il portait une couronne très cool et une armure.
domingo, 16 de febrero de 2014
My dream come true!
Two years ago, my dream came true. I dreamed travel to France to go to Disneyland, I went with my family (my parents, my sister and I) by train, we arrived to Paris in the morning and I was so excited because I was dreaming be there since I was five years old. We spent five days in France, four of then in Disneyland.
It was a really good experience!
It was a really good experience!
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